HOYER Group supports sustainable logistics solutions

HOYER, a family-owned company with global operations, takes seriously its responsibility for the future of present generations and those to come. That is why, as a logistics expert specialising in handling and transporting liquid goods, it remains focussed on solutions that are sustainable, future-oriented and digital. Employing biofuels and green electricity saved over 2,000 tonnes of COemissions in the past year. Supplemented by improved calculation accuracy based on the GLEC framework and using intermodal transport carriers, HOYER reduced total greenhouse gas emissions by 9.2 per cent compared to the previous year.

Björn Schniederkötter, Chief Executive Officer of the HOYER Group, says, “We are committed to sustainability. We take decisions from ecological, social and economic viewpoints, and invest in sustainable business models and technologies. In this way, we support our customers and other stakeholders in moving towards sustainability.”

The HOYER Group combines innovative customer solutions with efficient processes to offer ecologically more sustainable logistics solutions that also have economic added value. Thus the family business supports its customers in reducing their carbon footprint.

To achieve it, the logistics provider generates customer-specific emissions reports and analyses to highlight CO2– and cost-optimised transport solutions. This gives customers an opportunity to weigh up options and initiate actions together with HOYER, including the increased use of alternative fuels that was begun in 2022. More than 1,000 tonnes of CO2 were saved in the Netherlands and UK through the use of biofuels. The HOYER Group also examines the use of electric and hydrogen-powered trucks in European road transport and focuses on procuring renewable energies, which currently account for 35 per cent of its electricity consumption. Other initiatives comprise energy recovery in depot operations and extending detailed emissions analysis to overseas transport movements.

The biggest lever to reduce CO2 is still moving transport from road to intermodal carriers such as ship or rail. In intermodal traffic, customers benefit from the flexible and global network of the HOYER Group. CO2 reduction is also supported by continuous driver training for energy-efficient driving, together with digitally-assisted fuel consumption analyses and the optimisation of payloads and filling levels.

As well as emissions reduction, HOYER continues to work on decreasing water consumption and waste volumes, together with initiatives for clean water and recycling. The HOYER Group subsidiary cotac, with its cleaning sites in Mannheim und Schkopau, is among the first in Europe to be listed in Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS®).

Signatories of the OCS® Pledge take care to ensure that no micro- or nano-particles of plastic enter the environment.

The workforce actively supports all of these initiatives and drives them onwards. Björn Schniederkötter explains that, “Our employees are important motivators and enable our ecological, economic and socially sustainable actions to make forward progress. HOYER is extremely interested in human resources development. Due to their know-how and experience, our employees are experts. It is thanks to them that we can continuously develop our logistics solutions further, and offer reliably high standards of quality, safety and sustainability.” The HOYER Group is proud that it employs a total of 68 nationalities, and also profits from their specialist knowledge as well as their cultural diversity.

The company’s own Foundation also bears social responsibility. Through its activities, the Friedel and Walter Hoyer Foundation, named after its two founders, returns part of its economic success to society for the common good. It supports charitable and social institutions in the fields of youth and old people’s welfare, and also includes art projects.

You can find an overview of the sustainability reports here.